Working Locally

In Microsoft® Visual InterDev™, you have two options when working online. You can work directly with the master Web files in master mode or you can develop your own working model of the Web application or its parts in local mode.

In local mode, you make changes to a write-enabled copy of the Web application without affecting the master Web application. You can use the local mode functionality to prototype new versions of your Web application without changing your master Web files or interfering with the work done by other developers.

In addition to local and master mode, if for some reason you need to work without a connection to the master Web server, you can choose to work offline. For example, you can place a local copy of your Web application on a laptop and work on the files offline. For more information, see Working Offline.

To See
Work isolated from the master Web application Developing Applications Independently
Select a project mode Specifying a Project Mode
Create copies of the master files in the local directory Getting Master Copies Locally
Test your Web application Previewing a Web Application
Add your changes to the master Web application, update the master server with the changes made to your local files Updating the Master Web Application
Update your project and local files with files from the master server Updating the Working Web Application
Work without a connection to the master Web server Working Offline