General Tab (File Properties Dialog Box)


Use this tab to view the name of the current file, the location of the working copy, the master Web server URL, the working Web server URL, and title of the file. You can also view the file statistics, including the file size, date created, creator, modified date, and user who last modified the file.

Note that if your master Web server or working Web server is running on Microsoft® Windows NT® under a File Allocation Table (FAT) file system, then the Author and Modified by properties will display the name of the Anonymous user account. If your master Web server or working Web server is running on Microsoft® Windows® 95, then the Author and Modified by properties will display the name of the user account specified when Windows 95 was started.


Local copy

Displays the directory path for the local copy of this file.

Master Web URL

Displays the master Web server location for this file.

Local Web URL

Displays the local Web server location for this file.


Displays the text found between the <Title></Title> HTML tags for the page. If the file is not an .htm or .asp file, no information is displayed.



Displays the size of the file in bytes.

Date created

Displays the date and time the file was created.


Displays the domain and user name for the author of the file.

Date modified

Displays the date and time the file was last modified.

Modified by

Displays the domain and user name for the last user that modified the file.