General Tab (OptionGroup Properties Dialog Box)


Sets general options for the OptionGroup design-time control.



Type a name for the OptionGroup control. The name is required and must be unique to the page. Sets the id property for the control.

Scripting Platform

Displays the platform (Server or Client) of the recordset selected for this control, or allows you to select a platform or use the page's default platform setting (Inherit from page) if you haven't selected a recordset. Sets the DTCScriptingPlatform property for the control.

After you set a recordset, the Scripting Platform property is read-only for the control. To change the platform, select a different recordset.


Choose Vertical to align the option buttons in the option group one on top of the other, and Horizontal to align them side by side. Sets the Alignment property of the control.


Choose no border if you don't want a border around the option buttons in the option group. Choose fixed if you want a fixed border. Sets the BorderType property of the control.


Clear this option to create the option group as text only. When a disabled option group is displayed in the browser, the user can't change its value or change which of the option buttons is selected. Sets the Enabled property of the control.


Clear this option to create the option group as a hidden form element. You might do this, for example, if you want to display the option group at run time only under certain conditions. Sets the Visible property for the control.



Choose the name of a Recordset design-time control on the page. Select the recordset with the data connection to the database you want to for the OptionGroup control. Sets the Recordset property for the control.


Choose the name of the field whose data you want to display in the option group. Sets the DataField property for the control.

When you set a Bound column for a Recordset type of option group on the Lookup tab of the OptionGroup properties dialog box, the value of the Bound column field is written to this field when you select an option from the group.

Similarly, if you set a Static list type of option group on the Lookup tab, the value set in the Bound value column is written to this field when you select an option from the group.