General Tab (Recordset Properties Dialog Box)


Sets general options for the Recordset design-time control.



Type a name for the Recordset control. The name is required and must be unique to the page. Sets the id property for the control and the name of the control in script.


Choose a data source name for the data source you want to use for this recordset. The drop-down list shows all data connections you've made; these are the same connections shown in the data environment.

This setting and the Source of data settings on this tab are used to create script on your HTML page that connects to the database specified by the data connection and retrieves the specified data.

Note   You can also set this property directly on the Recordset control in Source view on your ASP page.

Source of data

Database object

Choose this button, and then select the type of database object you want from the box to the right of the button. You can select any database object from the database specified in the Connection box. For example, you can select a table, view, or stored procedure from a SQL Server database as a source of the Recordset control's data.

You can also select DE Commands and then in the Object name box select any Command object from the data environment that specifies a set of records for this recordset.

This setting and the Connection and Object name settings on this tab are used to create script on your HTML page that connects to the database specified by the data connection and retrieves the specified data.

Note   You can also set this property directly on the Recordset control in Source view on your ASP page.

Object name

Select the name of a database object of the type you selected in the Database object box. For example, if you selected Tables in the Database object box, in the Object name box select the name of a table from the database specified in the Connection box.

You can also select DE Commands in the Database object box and then in the Object name box select any Command object from the data environment that specifies a set of records for this recordset.

Sets the CommandText property for the control.

Note   You can also set this property directly on the Recordset control in Source view on your ASP page.

SQL statement

Choose this button if you want to explicitly select the data in the Recordset control using an SQL statement. Enter the SQL statement in the box underneath the button. The SQL statement must specify data from the database specified in the Connection box.

Choosing the SQL Statement button also enables the SQL Builder button. You can choose the SQL Builder button and use the Query Designer to create your SQL statement. For more information on using the Query Designer, see the Query Designer in the Microsoft® Visual Database Tools documentation.

This sets an SQL statement to be executed in the script on the HTML page against the specified database.