Objects Differ Dialog Box


Use this dialog box decide which version of a stored procedure you want to check out, in the case where the version in source control is different from the version in the database.

You can enable source control for stored procedures in the Data View window, and check out and check in these stored procedures. For more information on using source control with stored procedures, see Adding a Stored Procedure to Source Control in Data View in the Microsoft® Visual Database Tools documentation.

This dialog box is displayed when you right-click a stored procedure in the Data View window, and then choose the Check Out command. It's only displayed if the two versions of the stored procedure are different; otherwise the stored procedure is checked out without a dialog box being displayed.

Normally the database and source control versions of a stored procedure will be in synch. But this scenario can occur if someone has edited the stored procedure manually with a tool such as SQL Enterprise Manager.


You can choose one of the following options for checking out the file:

Use the database version and update the source control

This checks out the database version and updates the source control version so that it is the same as the database version.

Use the database version

This checks out the database version.

Use the source control version

This checks out the source control version.

View Differences

Click this button to see the differences between the two versions displayed in a window. This helps you to determine which version you want.