Web Proxy Settings Options (Projects—Options Dialog Box)


Use this dialog box to specify a proxy Web server to route client/server HTTP requests through.


Use system settings

Select to specify that Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ use the proxy server settings set on the Connection tab of the Internet Properties dialog box in the Control Panel or the proxy server settings set on the Connection tab of the Internet Options dialog box in Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

HTTP proxy

Select to specify a server and port for an Internet firewall. Client/server HTTP requests are routed to this proxy Web server. Obtain the proxy system address from your network administrator. Proxy servers must be compliant with the CERN proxy server standard. If blank, requests are routed to the authoring server.

For example, you could enter a value of 20 for "my proxy server".

List of hosts without proxy

Select to specify the names and port numbers of intranet servers that are not routed to the proxy server. You can also designate IP addresses for entries. Use a semicolon to separate entries.

For example you could enter these three intranet servers: wwwproxy:50; 155.14*.*.;157.55.*.*.

Do not use proxy server for local (intranet) addresses

Select to specify that all local (intranet) hosts are reached directly, without going through the proxy server; all Internet hosts are reached through the proxy server.

If cleared, all intranet and Internet hosts are reached through the proxy server defined in HTTP Proxy address.