Getting Started with Visual J++ 6.0

Microsoft Visual J++ is an integrated Windows-hosted development tool for Java programming. Visual J++ allows you to create, modify, build, run, debug, and package an application, all within a single environment.

Visual J++ 6.0 introduces the Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC). This new application framework accesses the Microsoft Windows API, enabling you to write full-featured Windows applications with the Java programming language. WFC also wraps the Dynamic HTML object model implemented in Internet Explorer 4.0, which allows you to dynamically manipulate HTML on both the client and the server.

Creating a WFC Application

When you create a Windows application with WFC, your project contains a form that is the main window of the application. You can then add WFC controls to the form to design the graphical user interface.

For a step-by-step example that shows how to create, build, and run a simple WFC application, see Creating a Windows Application with WFC.

For information about other types of Visual J++ projects, see Creating Projects. For information about importing a project from Visual J++ 1.1, see Importing a Visual J++ 1.1 Project.

Modifying Your Application

Once you have created an application, you can:

Building and Running Your Application

When you build your application, any compilation errors appear in the Task List. After you correct these errors, you can run your application from within the development environment.

Debugging Your Application

Although your application may compile without errors, it may not run as expected. The process of finding and fixing logic and run-time errors is known as debugging. Using the integrated debugger, you can set breakpoints to step through your code one statement at a time and view the values of variables and properties.

Other features of the integrated debugger include multiprocess debugging, remote debugging, and integration between Java and script.

Packaging Your Application

When you have finished modifying and debugging your application, you can package it to into an .exe or .cab file and deploy it to the Web.