14.18.1 Execution of try-catch

Our supreme task is the resumption of our onward, normal way.
—Warren G. Harding, Inaugural Address (1921)

A try statement without a finally block is executed by first executing the try block. Then there is a choice:

In the example:

class BlewIt extends Exception {
	BlewIt() { }
	BlewIt(String s) { super(s); }
class Test {
	static void blowUp() throws BlewIt { throw new BlewIt(); }
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		try {
		} catch (RuntimeException r) {
			System.out.println("RuntimeException:" + r);
		} catch (BlewIt b) {


the exception BlewIt is thrown by the method blowUp. The try-catch statement in the body of main has two catch clauses. The run-time type of the exception is BlewIt which is not assignable to a variable of type RuntimeException, but is assignable to a variable of type BlewIt, so the output of the example is:
