3.10.1 Integer Literals

See §4.2.1 for a general discussion of the integer types and values.

An integer literal may be expressed in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), or octal (base 8):

DecimalNumeral IntegerTypeSuffixopt
HexNumeral IntegerTypeSuffixopt
IntegerTypeSuffix: one of
l L

An integer literal is of type long if it is suffixed with an ASCII letter L or l (ell); otherwise it is of type int (§4.2.1). The suffix L is preferred, because the letter l (ell) is often hard to distinguish from the digit 1 (one).

A decimal numeral is either the single ASCII character 0, representing the integer zero, or consists of an ASCII digit from 1 to 9, optionally followed by one or more ASCII digits from 0 to 9, representing a positive integer:

NonZeroDigit Digitsopt
NonZeroDigit: one of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A hexadecimal numeral consists of the leading ASCII characters 0x or 0X followed by one or more ASCII hexadecimal digits and can represent a positive, zero, or negative integer. Hexadecimal digits with values 10 through 15 are represented by the ASCII letters a through f or A through F, respectively; each letter used as a hexadecimal digit may be uppercase or lowercase.

0 x HexDigit
0 X HexDigit
HexNumeral HexDigit

The following production from §3.3 is repeated here for clarity:

HexDigit: one of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F

An octal numeral consists of an ASCII digit 0 followed by one or more of the ASCII digits 0 through 7 and can represent a positive, zero, or negative integer.

0 OctalDigit
OctalDigit: one of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Note that octal numerals are always consist of two or more digits; 0 is always considered to be a decimal numeral-not that it matters much in practice, for the numerals 0, 00, and 0x0 all represent exactly the same integer value.

The largest decimal literal of type int is 2147483648 (). All decimal literals from 0 to 2147483647 may appear anywhere an int literal may appear, but the literal 2147483648 may appear only as the operand of the unary negation operator -.

The largest positive hexadecimal and octal literals of type int are 0x7fffffff and 017777777777, respectively, which equal 2147483647 (). The most negative hexadecimal and octal literals of type int are 0x80000000 and 020000000000, respectively, each of which represents the decimal value -2147483648 (). The hexadecimal and octal literals 0xffffffff and 037777777777, respectively, represent the decimal value -1.

See also Integer.MIN_VALUE (§20.7.1) and Integer.MAX_VALUE (§20.7.2).

A compile-time error occurs if a decimal literal of type int is larger than 2147483648 (), or if the literal 2147483648 appears anywhere other than as the operand of the unary - operator, or if a hexadecimal or octal int literal does not fit in 32 bits.

Examples of int literals:

	0		2		0372			0xDadaCafe					1996		0x00FF00FF

The largest decimal literal of type long is 9223372036854775808L (). All decimal literals from 0L to 9223372036854775807L may appear anywhere a long literal may appear, but the literal 9223372036854775808L may appear only as the operand of the unary negation operator -.

The largest positive hexadecimal and octal literals of type long are 0x7fffffffffffffffL and 0777777777777777777777L, respectively, which equal 9223372036854775807L (). The literals 0x8000000000000000L and 01000000000000000000000L are the most negative long hexadecimal and octal literals, respectively. Each has the decimal value -9223372036854775808L (). The hexadecimal and octal literals 0xffffffffffffffffL and 01777777777777777777777L, respectively, represent the decimal value -1L.

See also Long.MIN_VALUE (§20.8.1) and Long.MAX_VALUE (§20.8.2).

A compile-time error occurs if a decimal literal of type long is larger than 9223372036854775808L (), or if the literal 9223372036854775808L appears anywhere other than as the operand of the unary - operator, or if a hexadecimal or octal long literal does not fit in 64 bits.

Examples of long literals:

	0l		0777L			0x100000000L					2147483648L				   0xC0B0L