6.5.5 Meaning of Expression Names

The meaning of a name classified as an ExpressionName is determined as follows. Simple Expression Names

If an expression name consists of a single Identifier, then:

If the field is an instance variable (§, the expression name must appear within the declaration of an instance method (§8.4), constructor (§8.6), or instance variable initializer (§ If it appears within a static method (§, static initializer (§8.5), or initializer for a static variable (§, §12.4.2), then a compile-time error occurs.

In the example:

class Test {

static int v;

static final int f = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) { int i; i = 1; v = 2; f = 33; // compile-time error System.out.println(i + " " + v + " " + f); }

the names used as the left-hand-sides in the assignments to i, v, and f denote the local variable i, the field v, and the value of f (not the variable f, because f is a final variable). The example therefore produces an error at compile time because the last assignment does not have a variable as its left-hand side. If the erroneous assignment is removed, the modified code can be compiled and it will produce the output:

1 2 3 Qualified Expression Names

If an expression name is of the form Q.Id, then Q has already been classified as a package name, a type name, or an expression name:

The example:

class Point {
	int x, y;
	static int nPoints;

class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int i = 0;
		i.x++;								// compile-time error
		Point p = new Point();
		p.nPoints();								// compile-time error

encounters two compile-time errors, because the int variable i has no members, and because nPoints is not a method of class Point.