CharacterSet Fields

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CharacterSet Fields

Fields Description
ANSI Specifies the standard Windows American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set.

ARABIC Specifies the Arabic character set.

BALTIC Specifies the Baltic character set.

CHINESEBIG5 Specifies the Chinese BIG 5 character set.

DEFAULT Specifies the default character set.

EASTEUROPE Specifies the Eastern Europe character set.

GB2312 Specifies the Great Britain 2312 character set.

GREEK Specifies the Greek character set.

HANGEUL Specifies the Korean Hangeul character set.

HEBREW Specifies the Hebrew character set.

JOHAB Specifies the Johab character set.

MAC Specifies the Macintosh character set.

OEM Specifies the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) character set.

RUSSIAN Specifies the Russian character set.

SHIFTJIS Specifies the Shift JIS character set.

SYMBOL Specifies the Symbol character set.

THAI Specifies the Thai character set.

TURKISH Specifies the Turkish character set.

VIETNAMESE Specifies the Vietnamese character set.