SystemInformation Methods

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SystemInformation Methods

Methods Description
get3DBorderSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of a three-dimensional border.

getArrange Retrieves a flag specifying how the system arranges minimized windows.

getBorderSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of a window border.

getCaptionButtonSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of a button in a window's caption or title bar.

getCaptionHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the normal caption area of a window.

getCleanBoot Retrieves a value that specifies how the system was started.

getComputerName Retrieves the computer name of the current system.

getCursorSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of a cursor.

getDBCSEnabled Determines whether the operating system supports the double-byte character set (DBCS).

getDebug Determines whether your application is running on a debug version of the operating system.

getDoubleClickSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence.

getDoubleClickTime Retrieves the current double-click time for the mouse.

getDragSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of a rectangle centered on a drag point to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins.

getFixedFrameBorderSize Retrieves the thickness, in pixels, of the frame around the perimeter of a window that is not sizable.

getFrameBorderSize Retrieves the thickness, in pixels, of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized.

getHorizScrollBarArrowWidth Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the arrow on a horizontal scroll bar.

getHorizScrollBarHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the horizontal scroll bar.

getHorizScrollBarThumbWidth Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the scroll box in a horizontal scroll bar.

getIconSize Retrieves the default width and height, in pixels, of an icon.

getIconSpacingSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of a grid cell for items in a large icon view.

getKanjiWindowHeight For double-byte character set (DBCS) versions of Windows, retrieves the height, in pixels, of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen.

getMaxWindowTrackSize Retrieves the default maximum dimensions, in pixels, of a window that has a caption and sizing borders.

getMenuButtonSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of menu bar buttons.

getMenuCheckSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of the default menu check mark.

getMenuHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of a single-line menu bar.

getMidEastEnabled Determines if the operating system supports Hebrew and Arabic languages.

getMinimizedWindowSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of a normal minimized window.

getMinimizedWindowSpacingSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of a grid cell for minimized windows.

getMinimumWindowSize Retrieves the minimum width and height, in pixels, of a window.

getMinWindowTrackSize Retrieves the minimum tracking width and height, in pixels, of a window.

getMonitorCount Retrieves the number of monitors that are connected to the system.

getMonitorsSameDisplayFormat Determines if all monitors currently connected to the system have the same color format.

getMouseButtons Retrieves the number of buttons on the mouse connected to the system.

getMouseButtonsSwapped Determines whether the usage of the left and right mouse buttons has been swapped.

getMousePresent Determines whether the system has a mouse installed.

getMouseWheelPresent Determines whether the mouse that is currently installed on the system has a mouse wheel.

getMouseWheelScrollLines Retrieves the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated.

getNativeMouseWheelSupport Determines whether the operating system natively supports a mouse wheel.

getNetwork Determines whether this computer is on a network.

getPenWindows Determines whether the Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing extensions are installed.

getPrimaryMonitorMaximizedWindowSize Retrieves the default dimensions, in pixels, of a maximized top-left window on the primary monitor.

getPrimaryMonitorSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of the screen of the primary display monitor when multiple monitors are installed.

getRightAlignedMenus Determines whether drop-down menus are right-aligned.

getSecure Determines whether security is present on this operating system.

getShowSounds Determines whether the user requires an application to present information visually in situations where it would otherwise present the information audibly.

getSmallIconSize Retrieves the recommended dimensions, in pixels, of a small icon.

getSpecialFolderPath Retrieves the path to a specific special folder.

getToolWindowCaptionButtonSize Retrieves the dimensions, in pixels, of small caption buttons.

getToolWindowCaptionHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of a small caption.

getUserName Retrieves the user name for the current thread.

getVertScrollBarArrowHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the arrow image on the vertical scroll bar.

getVertScrollBarThumbHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the scroll box on a vertical scroll bar.

getVertScrollBarWidth Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the vertical scroll bar.

getVirtualScreen Retrieves the bounds of the virtual screen.

getWorkingArea Retrieves the size of the working area.