Component Methods

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Component Methods

Constructors Description
Component Creates a Component object.

Methods Description
addOnDispose Assigns a delegate to the dispose event.

componentChanged Specifies that the component has changed.

dispose Disposes of the component.

getChildOf Determines whether this component is a child of the specified component.

getComponentSite Retrieves the site of the component.

getContainer Returns the component's container.

getDesignMode Determines whether the component is currently in design mode.

getDisposing Determines whether the component is currently being disposed of.

getName Retrieves the name of the component that is maintained by the site.

getResource Retrieves a named resource.

getService Retrieves a service provided by the site.

onDispose Triggers the dispose event.

removeOnDispose Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dispose event.

setComponentSite Sets the site of the component.

setName Sets the name of the component that is maintained by the site.