CustomizerVerb Methods

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CustomizerVerb Methods

Constructors Description
CustomizerVerb Creates a CustomizerVerb object.

Methods Description
addOnVerbExecute Assigns a delegate to the verbExecute event.

getBitmap Retrieves the picture associated with the verb.

getChecked Retrieves the checked state of the verb on the shortcut menu.

getData Retrieves the data associated with the verb.

getEnabled Retrieves the enabled state of the verb on the shortcut menu.

getText Retrieves the menu item text associated with the verb.

onVerbExecute Triggers the verbExecute event.

performVerbExecute Generates a verbExecute event.

removeOnVerbExecute Removes the delegate assigned to the verbExecute event.

setBitmap Sets the picture associated with the verb.

setChecked Sets the checked state of the verb on the shortcut menu.

setData Sets the enabled state of the verb on the shortcut menu.

setEnabled Sets the enabled state of the verb on the shortcut menu.