ExtenderInfo Methods

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ExtenderInfo Methods

Constructors Description
ExtenderInfo Creates an ExtenderInfo object.

Methods Description
canResetValue Determines whether the value of the extender property can be reset.

getExtendeeType Retrieves the type of the object receiving the extender property.

getGetMethod Retrieves the get<ExtenderName> method of the extender component.

getIsReadOnly Determines whether the extender property is read-only.

getResetMethod Retrieves the reset<ExtenderName> method of the extender component.

getSetMethod Retrieves the set<ExtenderName> method of the extender component.

getShouldPersistMethod Retrieves the shouldPersist<ExtenderName> method of the extender component.

getType Retrieves the type of the extender property.

getValue Retrieves the current value of the extender property for the specified extender-extendee pair.

getValueEditor Retrieves the value editor of the extender property.

resetValue Resets the value of the extender property for the specified extender-extendee pair.

setValue Sets the value of the extender property for the specified extender-extendee pair.

shouldPersistValue Determines whether the value of the extender property should be persisted.