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IConstructable Interface

Allows a class to indicate what constructor arguments are needed to create an object of its type.


public interface IConstructable


This interface defines the getConstructorArgs method, which specifies the constructor arguments for creating a class object.

Note   In order for the object to be persisted properly, the class must define a constructor that takes these arguments.

The IConstructable interface enables a class to be used as a property value for a component or control. In order for a visual designer to support a class as a data type, the class must implement either IComponent, IConstructable, or IPersistable. If the class implements IComponent, then it is a component like any other object in the designer. However, a lightweight class should instead implement IConstructable or IPersistable (or both). These two interfaces allow the class to participate in code generation. The IConstructable interface allows the class to inform the designer what parameters can be passed to the object's constructor; the IPersistable interface allows the object to be saved to a binary resource file.