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Sets the value of the specified property.


public void setProperty( String name, boolean value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, boolean value )

public void setProperty( String name, byte value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, byte value )

public void setProperty( String name, char value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, char value )

public void setProperty( String name, double value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, double value )

public void setProperty( String name, float value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, float value )

public void setProperty( String name, int value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, int value )

public void setProperty( String name, long value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, long value )

public void setProperty( String name, Object value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, Object value )

public void setProperty( String name, short value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, short value )

public void setProperty( String name, String value )

public void setProperty( Locale locale, String name, String value )



The name of the property to set.


A Locale object that represents the locale to use. If no value is specified for this parameter, the current locale is used.


The value to set the property to.