Column Methods

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Column Methods

Constructors Description
Column Creates a Column object.

Methods Description
getAlignment Retrieves a value indicating the alignment of the values in the column.

getAllowSizing Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the column can be resized at run time.

getBackColor Retrieves the background color of the cells in the column.

getBoundFieldName Retrieves the name of the field in the recordset that the column is bound to.

getCaption Retrieves the text displayed in the column's header.

getDataFormat Retrieves the format of the column's data.

getDataType Retrieves the data type of the field in the recordset that the column is bound to.

getFont Retrieves the font of the text in the column.

getForeColor Retrieves the color of the text in the column.

getIndex Retrieves the index of the column in the grid.

getLeft Retrieves the x-coordinate of the column.

getReadOnly Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the data in the column is read-only.

getSelectedBackColor Retrieves the background color for selected cells in the column.

getSelectedForeColor Retrieves the color for selected text in the column.

getValue Retrieves the value of the cell in the grid's current row.

getVisible Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the column is visible (meaning it can be scrolled into view).

getWidth Retrieves the width of the column.

getWrapText Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the text values in the column can wrap within their cells.

getWriteAllowed Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the underlying field supports write operations.

setAlignment Sets the alignment of the text in the column.

setAllowSizing Sets a boolean value indicating whether the column can be resized at run time.

setBackColor Sets the background color for the cells in the column.

setBoundFieldName Sets the name of the field in the recordset that the column is bound to.

setCaption Sets the text to be displayed in the column's header.

setDataFormat Sets the format of the column's data.

setFont Sets the font of the text in the column.

setForeColor Sets the color of the text in the column.

setIndex Sets the index of the column in the grid.

setReadOnly Sets a boolean value indicating whether the data in the column is read-only.

setSelectedBackColor Sets the background color for selected cells in the column.

setSelectedForeColor Sets the color for selected text in the column.

setValue Sets the value of the cell in the grid's current row.

setVisible Sets a boolean value indicating whether the column is visible (meaning it can be scrolled into view).

setWidth Sets the width of the column.

setWrapText Sets a boolean value indicating whether the values in the column can wrap within their cells.

shouldPersistBackColor Indicates whether the column's background color should be persisted.

shouldPersistFont Indicates whether the column's font should be persisted.

shouldPersistForeColor Indicates whether the column's foreground color should be persisted.

shouldPersistSelectedBackColor Indicates whether the column's background color for selected cells should be persisted.

shouldPersistSelectedForeColor Indicates whether the column's foreground color for selected cells should be persisted.

toString Retrieves a description of the column.