DataBinding Methods

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DataBinding Methods

Constructors Description
DataBinding Creates a DataBinding object.

Methods Description
bindTarget Enables or disables notification of changes to the property of the bound component.

commitChanges Commits changes made in the control to the data source.

getDataFormat Retrieves the data format associated with this binding.

getDataSource Retrieves the data source underlying the DataBinding control.

getFieldName Retrieves the name of the data field associated with this binding.

getPropertyName Retrieves the name of the property associated with this binding.

getPropertyValue Retrieves the value of the property of the bound component.

getTarget Retrieves the bound component associated with this binding.

refreshPropertyValue Updates the property of the bound component with data from the data source.

setDataFormat Sets the data format for this binding.

setDataSource Sets the data source underlying the DataBinding control.

setFieldName Sets the name of the data field associated with this binding.

setPropertyName Sets the name of a property associated with this binding.

setPropertyValue Sets the value of the property of the bound component.

setTarget Sets the component associated with this binding.