DataSource Methods

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DataSource Methods

Constructors Description
DataSource Creates a DataSource control.

Methods Description
begin Opens a connection to the data source.

close Closes the connection to the data source.

dispose Disposes of this component.

getAsyncConnect Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the connection to the data source will be made asynchronously.

getAsyncExecute Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether commands to the data source will be executed asynchronously.

getAsyncFetch Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a recordset resulting from a query to the data source will be fetched asynchronously.

getCacheSize Retrieves the number of records that can be cached locally in memory.

getCommand Retrieves the Command object associated with the data source.

getCommandText Retrieves the command string issued to the data source.

getCommandTimeout Retrieves the amount of time to wait for a command to complete before terminating the attempt.

getCommandType Retrieves the type of command issued to the data source.

getConnection Retrieves the Connection object associated with the data source.

getConnectionString Retrieves the string used to make a connection to the data source.

getConnectionTimeout Retrieves the amount of time to wait for a connection to be established before terminating the attempt.

getCursorLocation Retrieves the location of the cursor engine.

getCursorType Retrieves the type of cursor used by the data source.

getDesignTimeData Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a connection should be made to the data source while working on a form in a visual designer.

getFilter Retrieves the criteria for including or excluding records.

getIsolationLevel Retrieves the degree to which this DataSource object is aware of transactions made by other users to the same data source.

getLockType Retrieves the type of lock placed on a recordset during editing.

getMaxRecords Retrieves the maximum number of records to return from a query.

getMode Retrieves the available permissions for modifying data in the connection to the data source.

getParentDataSource Retrieves the parent data source in a hierarchical recordset.

getParentFieldName Retrieves the name of the field that associates the parent and child recordsets of a hierarchical recordset.

getPassword Retrieves the password specified in the connection to the data source.

getPrepared Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the associated command is optimized for execution (prepared).

getRecordset Retrieves the recordset associated with the data source.

getSort Retrieves the sort order for the data source.

getStayInSync Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the row position in a child recordset will change to correspond to a change in the row position of the parent recordset.

getUserId Retrieves the user identification specified in the connection to the data source.

isChildDataSource Indicates whether this data source is the child recordset in a hierarchical recordset.

requery Re-executes the command that created the recordset associated with the data source.

setAsyncConnect Sets a boolean value indicating whether the connection to the data source will be made asynchronously.

setAsyncExecute Sets a boolean value indicating whether the commands to the data source will be executed asynchronously.

setAsyncFetch Sets a boolean value indicating whether a recordset resulting from a query to the data source will be fetched asynchronously.

setCacheSize Sets the number of records that can be cached locally in memory.

setCommandText Sets the command string that will be issued to the data source.

setCommandTimeout Sets the amount of time to wait for a command to complete before terminating the attempt.

setCommandType Sets the type of command issued to the  data source.

setConnectionString Sets the string used to make a connection to the data source.

setConnectionTimeout Sets the amount of time to wait for a connection to be established before terminating the attempt.

setCursorLocation Sets the location of the cursor engine.

setCursorType Sets the type of cursor used by the data source.

setDesignTimeData Sets a boolean value indicating whether a connection should be made to the data source while working on a form in a visual designer.

setFilter Sets the criteria for including or excluding records.

setIsolationLevel Sets the degree to which this DataSource object is aware of transactions made by other users to the same data source.

setLockType Sets the type of lock placed on a recordset during editing.

setMaxRecords Sets the maximum number of records to return from a query.

setMode Sets the available permissions for modifying data in the connection to the data source.

setParentDataSource Sets the parent data source in a hierarchical recordset.

setParentFieldName Sets the name of the field that associates the parent and child recordsets of a hierarchical recordset.

setPassword Sets the password for the connection to the data source.

setPrepared Sets a boolean value indicating whether the associated command should be optimized for execution (prepared).

setSort Sets the sort order for the data source.

setStayInSync Sets a boolean value indicating whether the row position in a child recordset will change to correspond to a change in the row position of the parent recordset.

setUserId Sets the user identification for the connection to the data source.