DhElement Methods

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DhElement Methods

Methods Description
addOnAfterUpdate Assigns a delegate to the afterUpdate event.

addOnBeforeUpdate Assigns a delegate to the beforeUpdate event.

addOnClick Assigns a delegate to the click event.

addOnDataAvailable Assigns a delegate to the dataAvailable event.

addOnDataSetChanged Assigns a delegate to the dataSetChanged event.

addOnDataSetComplete Assigns a delegate to the dataSetComplete event.

addOnDoubleClick Assigns a delegate to the doubleClick event.

addOnDragStart Assigns a delegate to the dragStart event.

addOnErrorUpdate Assigns a delegate to the errorUpdate event.

addOnFilterChange Assigns a delegate to the filterChange event.

addOnHelp Assigns a delegate to the help event.

addOnKeyDown Assigns a delegate to the keyDown event.

addOnKeyPress Assigns a delegate to the keyPress event.

addOnKeyUp Assigns a delegate to the keyUp event.

addOnMouseDown Assigns a delegate to the mouseDown event. 

addOnMouseEnter Assigns a delegate to the mouseEnter event.  

addOnMouseLeave Assigns a delegate to the mouseLeave event.  

addOnMouseMove Assigns a delegate to the mouseMove event.  

addOnMouseUp Assigns a delegate to the mouseUp event. 

addOnRowEnter Assigns a delegate to the rowEnter event. 

addOnRowExit Assigns a delegate to the rowExit event. 

addOnSelectStart Assigns a delegate to the selectStart event. 

addOnSetParent Assigns a delegate to the setParent event. 

dispose Frees all resources associated with this element.

getAlign Returns the alignment of the element.

getDocument Retrieves the document object associated with this element.

getDOMAttributeInt Retrieves an integer attribute, given the name of the attribute according to the Document Object Model (DOM) of Dynamic HTML.

getDOMAttributeString Retrieves a string attribute, given the name of the attribute according to the Document Object Model (DOM) of Dynamic HTML.

getElementCount Retrieves the number of elements contained by this element.

getElements Retrieves an array of all elements contained by this element.

getEvents Retrieves the event object for this element.

getHTML Retrieves a string that contains the representative HTML text for this element and all its child elements.

getHTMLGenerator Retrieves the current HTML generator for this element.

getID Retrieves the ID attribute of the HTML element underlying this class.

getLocation Retrieves the position (or location) of the element.

getModule Retrieves the module object associated with element.

getParent Retrieves the parent element that contains this element.

getPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

getSize Retrieves the size of the element.

getStyle Retrieves the DhStyle style object associated with this element.

getTagName Retrieves the string that contains the tag name that corresponds to this element given its current state (for example, "SPAN").

getTagNameID Retrieves the string identifier that will be generated when the getHTML method is called.

getToolTip Retrieves the string that represents the ToolTip that appears when the user's mouse pointer is hovering over this element.

hasPeer Return the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

initFromPeer Called when an instance is created from an existing HTML element.

onPeerAvailable Called when the HTML for this element is added to the running browser document.

onSetParent Called when the DhElement-derived parent has been set or changed for this element.

onSetPeer This method is called when the IHTMLElement Document Object Model peer is set or reset for an element.

removeAttribute Removes an attribute.

removeOnAfterUpdate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterUpdate event.

removeOnBeforeUpdate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeUpdate event.

removeOnClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the click event.

removeOnDataAvailable Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dataAvailable event.

removeOnDataSetChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dataSetChanged event.

removeOnDataSetComplete Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dataSetComplete event.

removeOnDoubleClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the doubleClick event.

removeOnDragStart Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dragStart event.

removeOnErrorUpdate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the errorUpdate event.

removeOnFilterChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the filterChange event.

removeOnHelp Removes the delegate that is assigned to the help event.

removeOnKeyDown Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyDown event.

removeOnKeyPress Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyPress event. 

removeOnKeyUp Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyUp event.

removeOnMouseDown Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseDown event. 

removeOnMouseEnter Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseEnter event.

removeOnMouseLeave Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseLeave event.

removeOnMouseMove Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseMove event.

removeOnMouseUp Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseUp event.

removeOnRowEnter Removes the delegate that is assigned to the rowEnter event.

removeOnRowExit Removes the delegate that is assigned to the rowExit event.

removeOnSelectStart Removes the delegate that is assigned to the selectStart event.

removeOnSetParent Removes the delegate that is assigned to the setParent event.

resetAlign Clears any align property.

resetID Creates a new default ID for this element.

resetStyle Clears any class set with setStyle.

resetToolTip Resets the ToolTip to the default (usually blank).

setAlign Sets the alignment of the element.

setBindID Sets the ID for the element being bound.

setDOMAttribute Sets a string attribute, given the name of the attribute according to the Document Object Model (DOM) of Dynamic HTML.

setDOMAttributeInt Sets an integer attribute, given the name of the attribute according to the Document Object Model (DOM) of Dynamic HTML.

setElementPeer Sets the peer for this element in the HTML document.

setHeightUnit Sets the height of the element using one of the DhUnits constants to express the units of measurement.

setHTMLGenerator Sets the HTML generator to use for this element.

setID Sets the ID attribute of the HTML element underlying this class.

setSize Sets the size of the element.

setStyle Sets the style object associated with this element.

setToolTip Sets the ToolTip that appears when the user's mouse pointer is hovering over this element.

setWidthUnit Sets the width of the element using one of the DhUnits constants to express the units of measurement.