DhHotSpot Methods

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DhHotSpot Methods

Constructors Description
DhHotSpot Creates a DhHotSpot object.

Methods Description
addOnGotFocus Assigns a delegate to the gotFocus event.

addOnLostFocus Assigns a delegate to the lostFocus event.

getAltText Retrieves the current alternate text string that is displayed if the browser cannot display the image.

getCoordsIntArray Retrieves an array of integers representing the current coordinate string.

getCoordsString Retrieves the current coordinate string.

getShape Retrieves the current shape constant.

getTargetWindow Retrieves the target window for this hotspot.

getURL Retrieves the URL to navigate to if the user selects this hotspot.

removeOnGotFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the gotFocus event.

removeOnLostFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event.

setAltText Sets the alternate text for the hotspot if the browser cannot display the image.

setCoords Sets the coordinate string for this DhHotSpot using an integer array, a string, or a rectangle.

setShape Sets the shape of this hotspot.

setTargetWindow Sets the target window for this hotspot.

setURL Sets the URL for this DhHotSpot to navigate to when clicked.