DhHyperlink Methods

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DhHyperlink Methods

Constructors Description
DhHyperlink Creates a DhHyperlink object.

Methods Description
getEnabled Retrieves the enabled state of the hyperlink.

getJumpPoint Returns the local target of the jump.

getStockTargetWindow Returns the window identifier where the browser will put the document when it is jumped to.

getTargetWindow Retrieves the name of the window where the browser will put the document when it is jumped to.

getText Retrieves the hyperlink text.

getURL Retrieves the target URL for the hyperlink.

setEnabled Sets the enabled state of the hyperlink.

setJumpPoint Sets the destination of this hyperlink to be some element on the current page.

setStockTargetWindow Determines the window, by identifier, that the browser will put the document into.

setTargetWindow Determines the window, by name, that the browser will put the document into.

setText Sets the text the user sees in the hyperlink.

setURL Sets the pointer to the document.