DhRow Methods

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DhRow Methods

Constructors Description
DhRow Creates a DhRow object.

Methods Description
add Adds a cell to end of this row.

addOnGotFocus Assigns a delegate to the gotFocus event.

addOnLostFocus Assigns a delegate to the lostFocus event.

addOnResize Assigns a delegate to the resize event.

getCell Returns the cell at the specified ordinal position.

getCells Returns the array of cells in this row.

getColumnCount Returns the number of columns in this row.

getRecordNumber Retrieves the ordinal record number displayed by the current row.

getRowNumber Retrieves the row number for this row if it is currently within a table.

remove Removes an cell from this row.

removeOnGotFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the gotFocus event.

removeOnLostFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event.

removeOnResize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the resize event.