DhTable Methods

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DhTable Methods

Constructors Description
DhTable Creates a DhTable object.

Methods Description
add Adds a row to this table either at the top or at the bottom or before or after another row, depending on the DhInsertOptions insertFlag parameter.

addOnReadyStateChange Assigns a delegate to the readyStateChange event.

getAutoHeader Retrieves the current header generation mode.

getBodyCell Retrieves the cell at the specified location from the table body.

getBodyRow Retrieves the specified row.

getBodyRowCount Retrieves the number of body rows in the table.

getBodyRows Retrieves an array of all rows in the table body (excluding the header and footer).

getBorder Retrieves the default (non-CSS) border thickness of the table.

getCellPadding Retrieves the table CELLPADDING attribute.

getCellSpacing Retrieves the table CELLSPACING attribute.

getDataBindings Retrieves the DataBinding objects that are associated with elements in the template repeater row.

getDataMember Retrieves the currently selected data member.

getDataSource Retrieves the currently set com.ms.wfc.data.IDataSource object.

getFooterRow Retrieves the footer row if there is one.

getHeaderRow Retrieves the header row if there is one.

getPageSize Retrieves the current data page size, in rows, to display in a databound operation.

getRangeEnd Retrieves the end of the current record range.

getRangeStart Retrieves the beginning of the current record range.

getRepeaterRow Retrieves the current template repeater row.

getTotalRowCount Retrieves the number of rows in the table, including header and footer rows.

refresh Refreshes the table's data if it is bound to the document.

removeAll Removes all rows from the table.

removeBodyRows Removes rows that are not header or footer rows from the table.

removeOnReadyStateChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the onReadyStateChange event.

setAlign Sets the alignment of the table.

setAutoHeader Enables or disables automatic generation of column headers.

setBorder Sets the default (non-CSS) border width for this table.

setCellPadding Set the table's CELLPADDING attribute.

setCellSpacing Sets the table's CELLSPACING attribute.

setDataBindings Sets the DataBinding objects that are to be associated with elements in the template repeater row.

setDataMember Sets the currently selected data member to retrieve.

setDataSource Sets the data source for this table.

setFooterRow Sets the footer row to the DhRow element specified.

setHeaderRow Sets the header row to the DhRow specified.

setPageSize Sets the display page size for this table when bound to data.

setRecordRange Sets the range of records that will be displayed in the table.

setRepeaterRow Specifies the template row that will be cloned for each record of data in the recordset.

showNextPage Displays the next page of data in the table.

showPreviousPage Displays the previous page of data in the table.