DhWindow Methods

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DhWindow Methods

Methods Description
close Closes the window, and resets its document and window peers to null.

focus Sets or removes the focus of the current window.

getBrowser Retrieves a representation of the browser.

getClosed Determines whether the window is closed.

getDialogArguments Retrieves the arguments passed to a modal dialog window.

getDocument Retrieves the document contained in this window.

getEventPeer Retrieves a peer that handles events for this window.

getFrame Retrieves the first frame that has the specified name.

getFrames Retrieves an array of DhWindow objects, one for each frame enclosed in this window.

getHashString Retrieves a hash string passed to the document.

getHistoryLength Retrieves the number of entries in the window's history.

getName Retrieves a string representing the name of the window.

getParent Retrieves the parent of this window.

getPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

getReturnValue Retrieves the return value from a modal dialog window.

getScroll Retrieves the current scroll mode.

getSearchString Retrieves a search string passed to the document.

getTopWindow Retrieves the topmost ancestor window of this window in the parenting heirarchy.

getURL Retrieves a string representing the URL of the window's document.

getWindowPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

goBackInHistory Loads the previous URL in the history list.

goForwardInHistory Loads the next URL in the history list.

goRelativeInHistory Loads the previous URL in the history list.

messageBox Displays a modal user message box.

navigate Opens a new URL in this window with the specified name and properties.

open Opens a new URL in this window with the specified name and properties.

setName Sets the name of the current window.

setReturnValue Sets the return value that will be returned from a modal dialog window.

setScroll Sets the current scroll mode.

setStatus Displays a string on the status bar of the window host (typically the browser).

showModalDialog Opens an HTML dialog window using the URL as the source of the contents and DhDialogInfo to define the appearance of the dialog window.