IByteStream Methods

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IByteStream Methods

Methods Description
canRead Determines whether this stream supports reading.

canSeek Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.

canWrite Determines whether this stream supports writing.

close Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

flush Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.

getLength Retrieves the length in bytes of this stream.

getPosition Retrieves the current position of this stream.

read Reads a specified number of bytes from this stream into an array starting at a specified position.

setLength Sets the length of this stream to the specified value.

setPosition Sets the current position of this stream to the specified value.

write Writes a specified number of bytes into this stream from an array starting at a specified position.