AxHost Methods

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AxHost Methods

Constructors Description
AxHost Creates an AxHost object.

Methods Description
attachInterfaces Called when the AxHost object is ready to create the underlying ActiveX object.

begin Signals that loading of all peer components and property sets is complete.

destroyHandle Destroys the handle associated with this control.

getContainingForm Retrieves the form that contains this control.

getOcx Retrieves the IUnknown object for the ActiveX control that this class wraps.

getOcxState Retrieves the persisted state of the ActiveX control that underlies this object.

preProcessMessage Preprocesses messages directed to this control before the messages are sent to the control's window procedure.

propertyChanged Called by the control when a property changes.

setAboutBoxDelegate Sets the delegate that will be called when the user clicks the About item on the control's context menu.

setBoundsCore Sets the bounds of the control.

setComponentSite Sets the control's site.

setContainingForm Sets the control's container.

setOcxState Sets the persisted state of the control.

setTopLevel Sets a boolean value that determines whether this control should be a top-level window.

setVisible Sets a boolean value that determines whether the control is visible.

shouldPersistContainingForm Sets a boolean value that specifies whether this control should persist the property that identifies its containing form.

wndProc Represents the window procedure for this control.