ControlAnchor Fields

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ControlAnchor Fields

Fields Description
ALL Specifies that the control is anchored to all edges of its container.

BOTTOM Specifies that the control is anchored to the bottom edge of its container.

BOTTOMLEFT Specifies that the control is anchored to the bottom and left edges of its container.

BOTTOMLEFTRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the left, bottom, and right edges of its container.

BOTTOMRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the bottom and right edges of its container.

LEFT Specifies that the control is anchored to the left edge of its container.

LEFTRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the left and right edges of its container.

NONE Specifies that the control not anchored to any of the edges of its container.

RIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the right edge of its container.

TOP Specifies that the control is anchored to the top edge of its container.

TOPBOTTOM Specifies that the control is anchored to the top and bottom edges of its container.

TOPBOTTOMLEFT Specifies that the control is anchored to the top, left, and bottom edges of its container.

TOPBOTTOMRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the top, right, and bottom edges of its container.

TOPLEFT Specifies that the control is anchored to the top and left edges of its container.

TOPLEFTRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the top, left, and right edges of its container.

TOPRIGHT Specifies that the control is anchored to the top and right edges of its container.