Control Fields

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Control Fields

Fields Description
defaultBrush Specifies that the default brush for the control is the brush defined in Brush.CONTROL.

PROP_BACKCOLOR Specifies that the value of the backColor property has changed.

PROP_CURSOR Specifies that the value of the cursor property has changed.

PROP_ENABLED Specifies that the value of the enabled property has changed.

PROP_FONT Specifies that the value of the font property has changed.

PROP_FORECOLOR Specifies that the value of the foreColor property has changed.

PROP_LOCATION Specifies that the value of the location property has changed.

PROP_PARENTBACKCOLOR Specifies that the value of the parent's backColor property has changed.

PROP_PARENTFONT Specifies that the value of the parent's font property has changed.

PROP_PARENTFORECOLOR Specifies that the value of the parent's foreColor property has changed.

PROP_SIZE Specifies that the value of the size property has changed.

PROP_TABSTOP Specifies that the value of the tabStop property has changed.

PROP_TEXT Specifies that the value of the text property has changed.

PROP_VISIBLE Specifies that the value of the visible property has changed.

STYLE_ACCEPTSCHILDREN Specifies that the control accepts children.

STYLE_FIXED_HEIGHT Specifies that the control has a fixed height.

STYLE_FIXED_WIDTH Specifies that the control has a fixed width.

STYLE_FORM Specifies that the control is a container for other controls.

STYLE_OPAQUE Specifies that the background will be erased when the control is repainted.

STYLE_OPTIMIZE_SIZEPAINT Specifies that the background will be erased when the control is repainted after being resized.

STYLE_RESIZE_REDRAW Specifies that the control redraws when it is resized.

STYLE_STDCLICK Specifies that the control receives standard click events.

STYLE_USERPAINT Specifies that the control does its own painting.