DateTimePicker Methods

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DateTimePicker Methods

Constructors Description
DateTimePicker Creates a DateTimePicker control.

Methods Description
addOnCloseUp Assigns a delegate to the closeUp event.

addOnDropDown Assigns a delegate to the dropDown event.

addOnFormat Assigns a delegate to the format event.

addOnFormatQuery Assigns a delegate to the formatQuery event.

addOnUserString Assigns a delegate to the userString event.

addOnValueChanged Assigns a delegate to the valueChanged event.

addOnWmKeyDown Assigns a delegate to the wmKeyDown event.

getAllowUserString Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the value in the control by pressing F2.

getCalendarFont Retrieves the font currently used by the month calendar of the date and time picker control.

getCalendarForeColor Retrieves the color used to display text within the current month in the month calendar.

getCalendarMonthBackground Retrieves the background color used within the current month in the month calendar.

getCalendarTitleBackColor Retrieves the background color displayed in the month calendar's title.

getCalendarTitleForeColor Retrieves the color used to display text within the month calendar's title.

getCalendarTrailingForeColor Retrieves the color used to display text for header and trailing-day days (days from the previous and following month that appear on the current calendar).

getCustomFormat Retrieves a format string that specifies the custom format used by the control to display date and time information.

getDropDownAlign Retrieves a value indicating whether the drop-down month calendar will be aligned to the right or left of the edit control of the date time picker control.

getFormat Retrieves a value indicating the whether the control displays date and time information in long date format (for example, "Wednesday, April 7, 1999"), short date format (for example, "4/7/99"), time format (for example, "5:31:34 PM"), or custom format.

getMaxDate Retrieves a value indicating the last date that the control allows the user to select.

getMinDate Retrieves a value indicating the first date that the control allows the user to select.

getShowNone Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether it is possible to have no date selected in the control.

getShowUpDown Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control allows the user to select a date by displaying an up/down arrow to the right of the control or whether the control enables the user to display a drop-down calendar in which to select a date.

getValue Retrieves the date and time value currently displayed in the control.

onCloseUp Triggers the closeUp event.

onDropDown Triggers the dropDown event.

onFormat Triggers the format event.

onFormatQuery Triggers the formatQuery event.

onUserString Triggers the userString event.

onValueChanged Triggers the valueChanged event.

onWmKeyDown Triggers the wmKeyDown event.

removeOnCloseUp Removes the delegate that is assigned to the closeUp event.

removeOnDropDown Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dropDown event.

removeOnFormat Removes the delegate that is assigned to the format event.

removeOnFormatQuery Removes the delegate that is assigned to the formatQuery event.

removeOnUserString Removes the delegate that is assigned to the userString event.

removeOnValueChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the valueChanged event.

removeOnWmKeyDown Removes the delegate that is assigned to the wmKeyDown event.

resetFormat Resets the date and time display format of the calendar to DateTimePickerFormat.LONG.

resetMaxDate Resets the calendar so that there is no upper limit to the selectable range of dates.

resetMinDate Resets the calendar so that there is no lower limit to the selectable range of dates.

resetValue Resets the value of the date and time picker control to the current time.

setAllowUserString Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the value in the control by pressing F2.

setCalendarFont Sets the font used by the month calendar of the date and time picker control.

setCalendarForeColor Sets the color used to display text within the current month in the month calendar.

setCalendarMonthBackground Sets the background color used within the current month in the month calendar.

setCalendarTitleBackColor Sets the background color displayed in the month calendar's title.

setCalendarTitleForeColor Sets the color used to display text within the month calendar's title.

setCalendarTrailingForeColor Sets the color used to display text for header and trailing-day days (days from the previous and following month that appear on the current calendar).

setCustomFormat Sets a format string that specifies the custom format used by the control to display date and time information.

setDropDownAlign Sets a value indicating whether the drop-down month calendar will be aligned to the right or left of the edit control of the date time picker control.

setFormat Sets a value indicating the whether the control displays date and time information in long date format (for example, "Wednesday, April 7, 1999"), short date format (for example, "4/7/99"), time format (for example, "5:31:34 PM"), or custom format.

setMaxDate Sets a value indicating the last date that the control allows the user to select.

setMinDate Sets a value indicating the first date that the control allows the user to select.

setShowNone Sets a boolean value indicating whether it is possible to have no date selected in the control.

setShowUpDown Sets a boolean value indicating whether the control allows the user to select a date by displaying an up/down arrow to the right of the control or whether the control enables the user to display a drop-down calendar in which to select a date.

setValue Sets the date and time value to display in the control.

shouldPersistFormat Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the format property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistMaxDate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the maxDate property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistMinDate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the minDate property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistValue Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value property has been explicitly set.