Font Methods

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Font Methods

Constructors Description
Font Creates a new Font object.

Methods Description
clone Clones the Font object, creating a duplicate font.

copyHandle Duplicates the Win32 font handle associated with this Font object.

destroyHandle Called when this object is going to destroy its Win32 handle.

dispose Frees all the resources allocated by this object.

equals Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this one.

equalsBase Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the base font used by the specified Font object is identical to that used by this Font object.

finalize Releases all resources allocated by this object.

getBold Retrieves a boolean value that indicates if the font is bold.

getCharacterSet Retrieves the character set the font is using.

getConstructorArgs Retrieves an array of ConstructorArg objects that describe the data types and values needed to persist this object.

getExtension Retrieves a file name extension with which to save this object's persistent data.

getFamily Retrieves the font family for the font on which this object is based.

getFontMetrics Retrieves a FontMetrics object that describes the characteristics of this Font object.

getHandle Retrieves the Win32 font handle (HFONT) for this object's underlying font.

getItalic Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the font is italicized.

getName Retrieves the face name of the font and returns the name in a String object.

getOrientation Retrieves the orientation of the font, in tenths of a degree, from the x-axis of the device.

getPitch Retrieves the pitch of the font on which this object is based.

getSize Retrieves the size of the font in the units with which the font was created.

getStock Retrieves a stock font, based on a specified index.

getStrikeout Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current font is a strikeout font.

getUnderline Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the font is underlined.

getUnits Retrieves the units in which the font's size is measured.

getWeight Retrieves the font's weight.

hashCode Retrieves a hash code value for this font.

save Persists this font to the specified data stream.

toString Retrieves a human-readable string representation of this object.