Form Methods

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Form Methods

Constructors Description
Form Creates a Form object.

Methods Description
add Adds a control to the form.

addOnActivate Assigns a delegate to the activate event.

addOnClosed Assigns a delegate to the closed event.

addOnClosing Assigns a delegate to the closing event.

addOnDeactivate Assigns a delegate to the deactivate event.

addOnInputLangChange Assigns a delegate to the inputLangChange event.

addOnInputLangChangeRequest Assigns a delegate to the inputLangChangeRequest event.

addOnMDIChildActivate Assigns a delegate to the mdiChildActivate event.

addOnMenuComplete Assigns a delegate to the menuComplete event.

addOnMenuStart Assigns a delegate to the menuStart event.

addOwnedForm Adds a form to this Form object's internal list of owned forms.

adjustFormScrollbars Adjusts the automatic scroll bars on the form based on current control positions and the currently selected control.

close Closes the form.

createHandle Creates the handle for the form.

defWndProc Calls the default window procedure for this form.

dispose Releases all the system resources associated with this form.

getAcceptButton Retrieves the current accept button for this form.

getActiveControl Retrieves the current active control.

getActiveMDIChild Retrieves the currently active multiple document interface (MDI) child window.

getAutoScale Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the form is currently configured to adjust its size to fit the height of the font used on the form and to scale its child controls.

getAutoScaleBaseSize Retrieves the base size used for autoscaling.

getAutoScroll Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the form will allow scrolling of the form's contents when controls are located outside the form's bounds.

getAutoScrollMargin Retrieves the width and height of the autoscroll margin.

getAutoScrollPosition Retrieves the current autoscroll position.

getBorderStyle Retrieves the form's current border style.

getCancelButton Retrieves the form's cancel button.

getControlBox Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form has a control box.

getCreateParams Retrieves a CreateParams object that describes the settings used to create the form.

getDesktopBounds Retrieves the bounds of the form in desktop coordinates.

getDesktopLocation Retrieves the location of the form in desktop coordinates.

getDialogResult Retrieves the dialog result which designates the value that is returned from this form when it is displayed as a modal dialog.

getDisplayRect Retrieves the current display rectangle.

getForm Retrieves this form's parent.

getHelpButton Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form contains a help button.

getHScroll Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar is currently displayed.

getIcon Retrieves the form's current icon.

getIsMDIChild Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form is an MDI child form.

getIsMDIContainer Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form is an MDI container.

getIsMenuBarContainer Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this form contains a menu bar.

getKeyPreview Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form is set to receive key events for contained controls before the controls receive them.

getMaximizeBox Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a maximize button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the form.

getMaximizedBounds Retrieves the bounds of this form in its maximized state.

getMaxTrackSize Retrieves the maximum size to which this form can be resized.

getMDIChildren Retrieves the MDI children of this form.

getMDIClient Retrieves the control that is the MDI client region.

getMDIParent Retrieves the current MDI parent of this form.

getMenu Retrieves the current menu for this form.

getMergedMenu Retrieves the merged menu for the form.

getMinimizeBox Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a minimize button is displayed on the current form.

getMinTrackSize Retrieves the minimum size to which this form can be resized.

getModal Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form is modal.

getOwnedForms Retrieves the forms owned by this one.

getOwner Retrieves the owner of this form.

getPalette Retrieves the palette currently being used by the form.

getPaletteMode Retrieves the current palette mode for this form.

getPaletteSource Retrieves the source for the palette being used by this form.

getParentForm Retrieves the visual parent of this form.

getShowInTaskbar Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this form is currently displayed in the taskbar.

getStartPosition Retrieves the current start position of this form.

getWindowState Retrieves the form's window state.

layoutMDI Arranges the MDI children of this form according to a specified value.

notifyPaletteChange Notifies this form that the palette has changed on a child control.

onActivate Triggers the activate event.

onClosed Triggers the closed event.

onClosing Triggers the closing event.

onDeactivate Triggers the deactivate event.

onInputLangChange Triggers the inputLangChange event.

onInputLangChangeRequest Triggers the inputLangChangeRequest event.

onMDIChildActivate Triggers the MDIChildActivate event.

onMenuComplete Triggers the menuComplete event.

onMenuStart Triggers the menuStart event.

onNewPalette Called by a child control to indicate that the palette needs to be rendered.

pointToScreen Retrieves the screen coordinates for a specified location.

propertyChanged Called when a control property changes.

rectToClient Retrieves the specified screen rectangle in client coordinates.

rectToScreen Retrieves the screen coordinates for the specified client rectangle.

removeOnActivate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the activate event.

removeOnClosed Removes the delegate that is assigned to the closed event.

removeOnClosing Removes the delegate that is assigned to the closing event.

removeOnDeactivate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the deactivate event.

removeOnInputLangChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the inputLangChange event.

removeOnInputLangChangeRequest Removes the delegate that is assigned to the inputLangChangeRequest event.

removeOnMDIChildActivate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the MDIChildActivate event.

removeOnMenuComplete Removes the delegate that is assigned to the menuComplete event.

removeOnMenuStart Removes the delegate that is assigned to the menuStart event.

removeOwnedForm Removes a form from this Form object's internal list of owned forms.

setAcceptButton Sets the accept button for this form.

setActiveControl Sets the the input focus to the specified control.

setAutoScale Sets the autoscaling on this form.

setAutoScaleBaseSize Sets the base size used for autoscaling when the form is created.

setAutoScroll Specifies whether the form implements autoscrolling.

setAutoScrollMargin Sets the width and height of the autoscroll margin.

setAutoScrollPosition Sets the autoscroll position that is used when the form is created.

setBorderStyle Sets the border style for the form.

setCancelButton Sets the cancel button for the form.

setControlBox Specifies whether a control box is to be displayed on this form.

setDesktopBounds Sets the bounds of the form in desktop coordinates.

setDesktopLocation Sets the location of the form in desktop coordinates.

setDialogResult Sets the value to be returned from the form when it is displayed as a modal dialog.

setHelpButton Specifies whether a "What's This?" help icon should be displayed in the form's caption bar.

setIcon Sets the icon to be displayed in the caption bar of the form.

setIsMDIContainer Specifies whether this form is an MDI container.

setKeyPreview Specifies whether the form should receive key events for all contained controls before the control receives them.

setMaximizeBox Specifies whether a maximize button should be displayed in this form's caption bar.

setMDIParent Sets the MDI parent for this form.

setMenu Sets the main menu for this form.

setMinimizeBox Specifies whether a minimize button should be displayed in the form's caption bar.

setNewControls Arranges an array of controls on a form.

setOwner Sets the owner for this form.

setPaletteMode Specifies the palette mode for this form.

setPaletteSource Specifies the source for this form's palette.

setShowInTaskbar Specifies whether this form's icon should be displayed in the Windows taskbar.

setStartPosition Specifies the initial position of this form.

setVisible Specifies whether this form is visible.

setWindowState Specifies the window state for this form.

shouldPersistAutoScrollPosition Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the autoscroll position for this form should be persisted.

showDialog Displays this form as a modal dialog.

wndProc Encapsulates the base window procedure for this class.