Graphics Methods

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Graphics Methods

Constructors Description
Graphics Creates a Graphics object.

Methods Description
clearClip Clears the object's clipping rectangle.

clearRect Clears the specified rectangle by filling with the background color for the Graphics object.

createScreenGraphics Creates a Graphics object that can draw anywhere on the display.

destroyHandle Called when the Graphics object needs to destroy the underlying device context handle (HDC).

dispose Frees all resources allocated by this object.

drawAngleArc Draws a line segment and an arc.

drawArc Draws an elliptical arc in the specified bounding rectangle.

drawBezier Draws one or more cubic Bezier curves by using the endpoints and control points specified by the array of Point objects.

drawBorder3D Draws a three-dimensional style border around the specified rectangle.

drawButton Draws a button control in the specified rectangle.

drawCaptionButton Draws a Win32 window caption button in the specified rectangle.

drawCheckBox Draws a Win32 CheckBox control in the specified rectangle.

drawChord Draws a chord.

drawComboButton Draws the drop-down button of a Win32 combo box in the specified rectangle.


Draws an ellipse in the specified bounding rectangle.

drawFocusRect Draws a Windows focus rectangle, a dotted rectangle that Windows uses to indicate that a specified control has the input focus.

drawImage Draws an image at the specified location.

drawLine Draws a line from one point to another using the current pen.

drawLines Draws a series of connected lines based on an array of points, and applies a raster operation to the drawing.

drawMenuGlyph Draws a menu glyph for a Win32 menu in the specified rectangle.

drawPie Draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.

drawPolygon Draws a polygon based on a specified array of vertices.

drawRadioButton Draws a Win32 radio button in the specified rectangle.

drawRect Draws a rectangle using the specified coordinates.

drawRoundedRect Draws a rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen and fill brush.

drawScrollButton Draws a button for a Win32 scroll bar.

drawSizeGrip Draws a sizing grip at the specified location.

drawString Draws a string at the specified point or within the specified area.

excludeFromClip Removes the specified rectangle from the current clipping region.

fill Fills a specified area of the display with the current  or specified brush.

finalize Disposes of the resources allocated by this object.

floodFill Fills a specified area with the current brush.

getBackColor Retrieves the current background color.

getBrush Retrieves the current brush.

getBrushOrigin Retrieves the current brush origin.

getClip Retrieves the current clipping region for this object.

getCoordinateSystem Retrieves the coordinate system that this object is currently using.

getDeviceOrigin Retrieves the device origin for a user-defined coordinate system.

getDevicePoint Converts the specified coordinates to device coordinates.

getDeviceScale Retrieves the current device scale for a user-defined coordinate system.

getFont Retrieves the current font for this object.

getFontDescriptors Retrieves an array of FontDescriptor objects, which contains an entry for each font that matches the specified face name.

getHandle Retrieves the Win32 device context handle (HDC) for this Graphics object.

getLogicalPoint Converts the specified point to logical coordinates.

getLogicalSizeX Retrieves the number of logical units that make up the specified number of inches.

getLogicalSizeY Retrieves the number of logical units that make up the specified number of inches.

getNearestColor Retrieves the closest solid color that the hardware will use for the specified color.

getOpaque Retrieves the current fill mode on the Graphics object.

getPageOrigin Retrieves the page origin for a user-defined coordinate system.

getPageScale Retrieves the current page scale for a user-defined coordinate system.

getPen Retrieves the pen associated with the Graphics object.

getPhysicalSizeX Retrieves, in inches, the physical size for a specified number of horizontal logical coordinates.

getPhysicalSizeY Retrieves, in inches, the physical size for a specified number of vertical logical coordinates.

getPixel Retrieves the color of the specified pixel.

getTextColor Retrieves the color used to display text in the Graphics object's bounding rectangle.

getTextSize Retrieves the area required to display the specified text string using the current font settings.

getTextSpace Retrieves the amount of extra space that will be used between characters when drawing text.

intersectWithClip Sets the clipping region for this object to include the area of this object's clipping region that intersects with a specified rectangle or region.

invert Inverts the pixels in the specified rectangle.

renderPalette Renders the specified palette to this Graphics object.

scroll Scrolls an area of the Graphics object.

setBackColor Sets the background color for the Graphics object. After you set the background color for the Graphics object, that color is used to fill empty regions in the object's bounding rectangle.

setBrush Associates a brush with this Graphics object.

setBrushOrigin Sets the brush origin for this Graphics object. The default coordinates for the brush origin are 0,0.

setClip Sets the clipping region for this Graphics object to the specified rectangle.

setCoordinateOrigin Sets up the origin for a user-defined coordinate system.

setCoordinateScale Sets up the coordinate scale for a user-defined coordinate system.

setCoordinateSystem Sets the coordinate system for this Graphics object.

setFont Associates a font with the Graphics object.

setHandle This method is called when the Graphics object initializes a handle to device context (HDC) at object startup.

setOpaque Sets the background fill mode for the Graphics object.

setPen Associates a Pen object with the Graphics object.

setPixel Sets a pixel to the specified color.

setTextColor Specifies the color that will be used to draw text.

setTextSpace Sets the amount of extra space to be used between characters when drawing text.