HelpProvider Methods

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HelpProvider Methods

Constructors Description
HelpProvider Creates a HelpProvider object.

Methods Description
getHelpFile Retrieves the name of the help file that is associated with this HelpProvider object.

getHelpString Retrieves the contents of the pop-up help window for the specified control.

getHelpTopic Retrieves the help topic associated with a specified control.

getShowHelp Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether help should be displayed for the specified control.

setHelpFile Sets the help file to be displayed for any controls for which this HelpProvider object is providing support.

setHelpString Associates a help string with a control.

setHelpTopic Sets the help topic to be displayed when the user invokes help for the specified control.

setShowHelp Sets a boolean value that determines whether help should be displayed for a specified control.