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Displays the contents of a help file.


public static void showHelp( Control parent, String url )

public static void showHelp( Control parent, String url, String topic )

public static void showHelp( Control parent, String url, int command, Object param )



A Control object that identifies the parent of the help dialog box to be displayed.


The path to the HTML Help or WinHelp file.


The topic to display. If the help file is an HTML Help file, this value should reference the page to display. If the file is a WinHelp file, this value should reference the numeric value of the topic's ID.


A constant that indicates what kind of information to display. Acceptable values are COMMAND_CONTENTS, COMMAND_FIND, COMMAND_INDEX, or COMMAND_TOPIC.


Command-specific data. If the value specified in the command parameter is COMMAND_CONTENTS, COMMAND_INDEX, or COMMAND_FIND, this value should be null. If the command parameter references COMMAND_TOPIC, this value should reference an Integer or String object that contains the integer value of the topic to display.


Based on the value of the url parameter, this method automatically determines whether an HTML Help or WinHelp file should be displayed.

You can also specify a WinHelp or HTML Help command directly by using the constants defined by the showHelp routine documented in the Win32 SDK.