ListItem Methods

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ListItem Methods

Constructors Description
ListItem Creates a ListItem object.

Methods Description
clone Creates an identical copy of this item.

ensureVisible Ensures that the list item is visible, scrolling the list view control if necessary.

equals Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the specified object is equivalent to this ListItem object.

getBounds Retrieves the specified portion of the bounding rectangle for a list view item.

getChecked Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the check box for the list view item is checked.

getConstructorArgs Retrieves an array of ConstructorArg objects that describe the data types and values needed to persist this object.

getExtension Retrieves the file name extension for the file to store the item's persistent data in.

getFocused Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this item has the focus.

getImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to this item.

getIndex Retrieves the zero-based index of the item within the list view control.

getSelected Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this item is selected.

getStateImageIndex Retrieves the index of the state image (an image such as a checked or cleared check box that indicates the state of the item) that appears next to this item.

getSubItem Retrieves the specified subitem for this item.

getSubItemCount Retrieves the number of subitems associated with this list item.

getSubItems Retrieves all the subitems associated with this list item.

getText Retrieves the text for this list item.

remove Removes this item from the list view control.

save Saves this ListItem object to the specified data stream.

setChecked Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the check box for the list view item is checked.

setFocused Sets a boolean value indicating whether this item has the focus.

setImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears next to this item.

setSelected Sets a boolean value indicating whether this item is selected.

setStateImageIndex Sets the index of the state image (an image such as a checked or cleared check box that indicates the state of the item) that appears next to this item.

setSubItem Sets the text for the specified subitem.

setSubItems Sets the subitems for the item.

setText Sets the text for this list item.

toString Retrieves a String object that contains the text associated with this list item.