MenuItem Methods

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MenuItem Methods

Constructors Description
MenuItem Creates a MenuItem object.

Methods Description
addOnClick Assigns a delegate to the click event.

addOnPopup Assigns a delegate to the popup event.

addOnSelect Assigns a delegate to the select event.

cloneMenu Creates a copy of this menu item.

dispose Frees all the resources allocated by this object.

getBarBreak Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item has been placed on a new line (if the item is part of a menu bar) or in a new column (if the item is part of a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu).

getBreak Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item has been placed on a new line (if the item is part of a menu bar) or in a new column (if the item is part of a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu).

getChecked Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item is checked.

getDefault Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item is the default menu item.

getEnabled Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item is enabled.

getIndex Retrieves the zero-based index of this menu item.

getIsParent Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item contains child items.

getMDIList Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item is part of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) list.

getMenu Retrieves the menu in which this item appears.

getMergeOrder Retrieves the merge order for this menu item.

getMergeType Retrieves a constant that indicates how this menu item behaves when the menu of which it is a part is merged with another menu.

getRadioCheck Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a radio button is used instead of a check mark to display checked menu items.

getShortcut Retrieves the shortcut key that is associated with this menu item.

getShowShortcut Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the shortcut associated with this menu item should be displayed.

getText Retrieves the text of this menu item.

getVisible Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item is visible.

mergeMenu Merges this menu item with another menu item.

onClick Triggers the click event.

onPopup Triggers the popup event.

onSelect Triggers the select event.

performSelect Selects this menu item.

removeOnClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the click event.

removeOnPopup Removes the delegate that is assigned to the popup event.

removeOnSelect Removes the delegate that is assigned to the select event.

setBarBreak Sets a boolean value that determines whether this menu item should be placed on a new line (if the item is part of a menu bar) or in a new column (if the item is part of a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu).

setBreak Sets a boolean value that determines whether this menu item should be placed on a new line (if the item is part of a menu bar) or in a new column (if the item is part of a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu).

setChecked Sets a boolean value that determines whether this menu item is checked.

setDefault Sets a boolean value that determines whether this menu item is the default item for the submenu in which it appears.

setEnabled Sets a boolean value that indicates whether this item is enabled.

setIndex Sets this menu item's zero-based index.

setMDIList Sets a boolean value that indicates whether this menu item should be populated with a list of the MDI children that appear on the form with which this menu is associated.

setMergeOrder Sets the merge order for this menu item.

setMergeType Specifies the merge type of this menu item.

setRadioCheck Sets a boolean value that determines whether a radio button is used instead of a check mark to display checked menu items.

setShortcut Associates a shortcut key with this menu item.

setShowShortcut Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the shortcut associated with this menu item should be displayed.

setText Sets the text for this menu item.

setVisible Sets a boolean value that determines whether this menu item is visible.