MonthCalendar Methods

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MonthCalendar Methods

Constructors Description
MonthCalendar Creates a MonthCalendar control.

Methods Description
addAnnuallyBoldedDate Specifies that a date will be displayed in bold every year in the month calendar.

addBoldedDate Specifies that a date will be displayed in bold in the month calendar.

addMonthlyBoldedDate Specifies that a date will be displayed in bold every month in the month calendar.

addOnDateChanged Assigns a delegate to the dateRange event.

addOnDateSelected Assigns a delegate to the dateSelected event.

dispose Releases windowing system resources used by the month calendar control.

getAnnuallyBoldedDates Retrieves an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold every year in the month calendar.

getBoldedDates Retrieves an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold in the month calendar.

getDimensions Retrieves the number of columns and rows of months that the control displays.

getDisplayRange Retrieves the starting and ending dates of the date range displayed in the control.

getFirstDayOfWeek Retrieves the first day of the week for the month calendar control.

getMaxDate Retrieves a value indicating the last date that the control allows the user to select.

getMaxSelectionCount Retrieves the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control.

getMinDate Retrieves a value indicating the first date that the control allows the user to select.

getMonthlyBoldedDates Retrieves an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold every month in the month calendar.

getScrollChange Retrieves the scroll rate for a month calendar control.

getSelectionEnd Retrieves the end of the date range currently selected in the control.

getSelectionRange Retrieves the selected date range for a month calendar control.

getSelectionStart Retrieves the start of the date range currently selected in the control.

getShowToday Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control will display the "today" date at the bottom of the control.

getShowTodayCircle Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control will circle the "today" date.

getShowWeekNumbers Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control displays week numbers (1 through 52) to the left of each row of days.

getSingleMonthSize Retrieves the minimum dimensions required to display a full month in a month calendar control.

getTitleBackColor Retrieves the background color displayed in the month calendar's title.

getTitleForeColor Retrieves the color used to display text within the month calendar's title.

getTodayDate Retrieves the date information for the date specified as "today" for a month calendar control.

getTrailingForeColor Retrieves the color used to display text for header and trailing-day days (days from the previous and following month that appear on the current calendar).

hitTest Determines which portion of a month calendar control is at at the specified point on the screen.

onDateChanged Triggers the dateChanged event.

onDateSelected Triggers the dateSelected event.

removeAllAnnuallyBoldedDates Specifies that no dates are displayed every year in bold in the month calendar.

removeAllBoldedDates Specifies that no dates are displayed in bold in the month calendar.

removeAllMonthlyBoldedDates Specifies that no dates are displayed every month in bold in the month calendar.

removeAnnuallyBoldedDate Specifies that a date will not be displayed in bold every year in the month calendar.

removeBoldedDate Specifies that a date will not be displayed in bold in the month calendar.

removeMonthlyBoldedDate Specifies that a date will not be displayed in bold every month in the month calendar.

removeOnDateChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dateChanged event.

removeOnDateSelected Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dateSelected event.

resetMaxDate Resets the calendar so that there is no upper limit to the selectable range of dates.

resetMinDate Resets the calendar so that there is no lower limit to the selectable range of dates.

resetSelectionRange Resets the selected range of the control to the current date.

resetTodayDate Resets the "today" date to the current date.

setAnnuallyBoldedDates Sets an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold every year in the month calendar.

setBoldedDates Sets an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold in the month calendar.

setDate Selects the specified date in the calendar.

setDimensions Sets the number of columns and rows of months that the control will display.

setFirstDayOfWeek Sets the first day of the week for the month calendar control.

setMaxDate Sets a value indicating the last date that the control allows the user to select.

setMaxSelectionCount Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control.

setMinDate Sets a value indicating the first date that the control allows the user to select.

setMonthlyBoldedDates Sets an array of Time objects that represent dates that are displayed in bold every month in the month calendar.

setScrollChange Sets the scroll rate for a month calendar control.

setSelectionEnd Sets the end of the date range currently selected in the control.

setSelectionRange Sets the selection for a month calendar control to a specified date range.

setSelectionStart Sets the start date of the selection range.

setShowToday Sets a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control will display the "today" date at the bottom of the control.

setShowTodayCircle Sets a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control will circle the "today" date.

setShowWeekNumbers Sets a boolean value indicating whether the month calendar control displays week numbers (1 through 52) to the left of each row of days.

setTitleBackColor Sets the background color displayed in the month calendar's title.

setTitleForeColor Sets the color used to display text within the month calendar's title.

setTodayDate Sets the "today" selection for a month calendar control.

setTrailingForeColor Sets the color used to display text for header and trailing-day days (days from the previous and following month that appear on the current calendar).

shouldPersistMaxDate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the maxDate property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistMinDate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the minDate property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistSelectionRange Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the selectionRange property has been explicitly set.

shouldPersistTodayDate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the todayDate property has been explicitly set.

updateBoldedDates Updates the list of dates that are displayed in bold in the month calendar and repaints the calendar.