RadioButton Methods

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RadioButton Methods

Constructors Description
RadioButton Creates a RadioButton control.

Methods Description
addOnCheckedChanged Assigns a delegate to the checkedChanged event.

getAppearance Retrieves a value that indicates whether the radio button will have the appearance of a command button rather than the usual appearance of a radio button.

getAutoCheck Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the user can change the value of the radio button by clicking it or whether the value can only be changed programmatically.

getChecked Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the radio button is turned on or off.

getTextAlign Retrieves a value that indicates where the text for the RadioButton control is positioned relative to the circle that shows whether the option is turned on or off.

onCheckedChanged Triggers the checkedChanged event.

onClick Triggers the click event.

performClick Generates a click event for the button, simulating a click by a user.

removeOnCheckedChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the checkedChanged event.

setAppearance Sets a value that indicates whether the radio button will have the appearance of a command button rather than the usual appearance of a radio button.

setAutoCheck Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the user can change the value of the check box by clicking it or whether the value can only be changed programmatically.

setChecked Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the radio button is turned on.

setTextAlign Sets a value that indicates where the text for the RadioButton control is positioned relative to the circle that shows whether the option is turned on or off.