RebarBand Methods

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RebarBand Methods

Constructors Description
RebarBand Creates a RebarBand object.

Methods Description
equals Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the specified object is equivalent to this RebarBand object.

getAllowVariableHeight Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rebar control can adjust the height of this band.

getAllowVertical Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this rebar band is displayed when the orientation property of the rebar control is set to Orientation.VERTICAL.

getBackgroundImage Retrieves the background image associated with this rebar band.

getBandBreak Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band begins a new row in the rebar control or whether it can continue a row started by another rebar band.

getChildControl Retrieves the child control contained by this rebar band.

getChildEdge Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band displays an edge at the top and bottom of the child control.

getFixedBitmap Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the background bitmap moves when the rebar band is resized.

getGrowBy Retrieves the step value, in pixels, by which a variable-height rebar band can grow or shrink during resizing.

getHeaderWidth Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the rebar band's header.

getIdealWidth Retrieves the ideal width of the rebar band, in pixels.

getImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to this rebar band.

getIndex Retrieves the zero-based index of the rebar band within the rebar control.

getInitialHeight Retrieves the initial height of the rebar band, in pixels.

getMaxInitialHeight Retrieves the maximum height of the rebar band, in pixels.

getMinChildHeight Retrieves the minimum height of the rebar band, in pixels.

getMinChildWidth Retrieves the minimum width of the rebar band, in pixels.

getText Retrieves the header text for the rebar band.

getVisibleGripper Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band has a sizing grip.

getWidth Retrieves the width of the rebar band, in pixels.

maximize Maximizes this rebar band within the rebar control.

minimize Minimizes this rebar band within the rebar control.

setAllowVariableHeight Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rebar control can adjust the height of this band.

setAllowVertical Sets a boolean value indicating whether this rebar band is displayed when the orientation property of the rebar control is set to Orientation.VERTICAL.

setBackgroundImage Sets the background image associated with this rebar band.

setBandBreak Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band begins a new row in the rebar control or whether it can continue a row started by another rebar band.

setChildControl Sets the child control contained by this rebar band.

setChildEdge Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band displays an edge at the top and bottom of the child control.

setFixedBitmap Sets a boolean value indicating whether the background bitmap moves when the rebar band is resized.

setGrowBy Sets the step value, in pixels, by which a variable-height rebar band can increase or decrease during resizing.

setHeaderWidth Sets the width, in pixels, of the rebar band's header.

setIdealWidth Sets the ideal width of the rebar band, in pixels.

setImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears next to this rebar band.

setIndex Sets the zero-based index of the band within the rebar control.

setInitialHeight Sets the initial height of the band, in pixels.

setMaxInitialHeight Sets the maximum height of the rebar band, in pixels.

setMinChildHeight Sets the minimum height of the rebar band, in pixels.

setMinChildWidth Sets the minimum width of the rebar band, in pixels.

setText Sets the header text for the rebar band.

setVisibleGripper Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rebar band has a sizing grip.

setWidth Sets the width of the rebar band, in pixels.

toString Retrieves a String object that contains information about this rebar band.