RichEdit Methods

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RichEdit Methods

Constructors Description
RichEdit Creates a RichEdit control.

Methods Description
addOnHScroll Assigns a delegate to the hScroll event.

addOnIMEChange Assigns a delegate to the IMEChange event.

addOnProtected Assigns a delegate to the protected event.

addOnRequestResize Assigns a delegate to the requestResize event.

addOnSelChange Assigns a delegate to the selChange event.

addOnVScroll Assigns a delegate to the vScroll event.

canPaste Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the data in the specified Clipboard format can be pasted into this control.

dispose Frees the resources allocated by this control.

find Searches the RichEdit control for a specified string.

getAutoWordSelection Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether automatic word selection is enabled.

getBulletIndent Retrieves the indention used in the RichEdit control when the bullet style is applied to the text.

getCharFromPosition Retrieves the character closest to the specified point.

getDelimiter Retrieves a string that contains the control's delimiters.

getFollowPunctuation Retrieves a string that contains the non-leading punctuation for the RichEdit control.

getIMEColor Retrieves the IME color settings of the RichEdit control.

getIMEOptions Retrieves the IME options settings of the RichEdit control.

getLeadPunctuation Retrieves a string that contains the leading punctuation characters for the RichEdit control.

getLineFromChar Retrieves the line number of the line that contains the specified character position.

getOnHScroll Retrieves the delegate assigned to the hScroll event.

getOnIMEChange Retrieves the delegate assigned to the IMEChange event.

getOnProtected Retrieves the delegate assigned to the protected event.

getOnRequestResize Retrieves the delegate assigned to the requestResize event.

getOnSelChange Retrieves the delegate assigned to the selChange event.

getOnVScroll Retrieves the delegate assigned to the vScroll event.

getPositionFromChar Returns the location of the character at the given index.

getRightMargin Returns the right margin of the RichEdit control.

getRTF Returns the text of the RichEdit control, including all RTF codes.

getSelAlignment Retrieves the paragraph alignment for the RichEdit control.

getSelBullet Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the bullet style is currently applied to the selection or insertion point.

getSelCharOffset Returns a value that determines whether text in the RichEdit control appears on the baseline (normal), as a superscript above the baseline, or as a subscript below the baseline.

getSelColor Retrieves the color of the currently selected text.

getSelFont Retrieves the font that is used to format the currently selected text.

getSelHangingIndent Retrieves the distance between the left edge of the first line of text in the selected paragraph and the left edge of subsequent lines in the same paragraph.

getSelIndent Retrieves the distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of the text that is currently selected or that is added at the insertion point.

getSelLength Retrieves the number of characters currently selected.

getSelProtected Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current selection is protected.

getSelRightIndent Returns the distance between the right edge of the RichEdit control and the right edge of the text that is selected or that is added at the current insertion point.

getSelRTF Retrieves the currently selected text in a RichEdit control, including all RTF codes.

getSelStrikeThru Retrieves a value that indicates strike-through format of the selection.

getSelTabs Retrieves the absolute tab stop positions in the RichEdit control.

getSelText Retrieves the currently selected text in the RichEdit control.

getSelType Retrieves the type of the current selection.

getWordBreak Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether or not English word-breaking occurs in Japanese, Chinese, and Hangeul.

getWordPunctuation Retrieves the type of punctuation table to be used to determine the RichEdit control's word-wrap and word-break layout.

loadFile Loads a Rich Text Format (RTF) or text file into the RichEdit control.

moveInsertionPoint Moves the insertion point up to, but not including, the first character in the RichEdit control that is a member of the specified character set.

onHScroll Triggers the hScroll event.

onIMEChange Triggers the IMEChange event.

onProtected Triggers the protected event.

onRequestResize Triggers the requestResize event.

onSelChange Triggers the selChange event.

onVScroll Triggers the vScroll event.

paste Pastes data in a specific Clipboard format into the RichEdit control.

removeOnHScroll Removes the delegate that is assigned to the hScroll event.

removeOnIMEChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the IMEChange event.

removeOnProtected Removes the delegate that is assigned to the protected event.

removeOnRequestResize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the requestResize event.

removeOnSelChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the selChange event.

removeOnVScroll Removes the delegate that is assigned to the vScroll event.

saveFile Saves the control's contents to a specified location.

setAutoWordSelection Specifies whether the control supports auto word selection.

setBackColor Sets the background color for the RichEdit control.

setBulletIndent Sets the amount of indention to be used in this control when this control is configured to display bullets.

setDelimiter Sets the delimiters for the RichEdit control.

setFollowPunctuation Sets the non-leading punctuation for the RichEdit control.

setForeColor Sets the fore color of the rich edit control.

setIMEColor Sets the color of the IME composition window of the RichEdit control.

setIMEOptions Sets options on the IME composition window of the RichEdit control.

setLeadPunctuation Sets the leading punctuation for the RichEdit control.

setRightMargin Sets the right margin of the RichEdit control.

setRTF Sets the text of a RichEdit control, including all the RTF codes.

setSelAlignment Sets the paragraph alignment for the RichEdit control.

setSelBullet Specifies whether the bullet style should be applied to the current selection or insertion point.

setSelCharOffset Determines whether text in the control appears on the baseline, as a superscript above the baseline, or as a subscript below the base line.

setSelColor Sets the text color of the currently selected text.

setSelFont Sets the font used to display the currently selected characters, or the characters immediately following the insertion point.

setSelHangingIndent Sets the distance between the left edge of the first line of text in the selected paragraph and the left edge of subsequent lines in the same paragraph.

setSelIndent Sets the distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of the text that is currently selected or that is added at the insertion point.

setSelLength Selects the specified number of characters, beginning at the current insertion point.

setSelProtected Marks the current selection as protected.

setSelRightIndent Sets the distance between the right edge of the control and the right edge of text that is selected or that is added at the current insertion point.

setSelRTF Sets the currently selected text of a RichEdit control, including the text's RTF codes.

setSelTabs Sets the absolute tab stop positions in a RichEdit control.

setSelText Sets the selected text in the RichEdit control.

setWordBreak Enables or disables English word-breaking in Japanese, Chinese, and Hangeul.

setWordPunctuation Sets the type of punctuation table to be used to determine the RichEdit control's word-wrap and word-break layout.

span Selects text in the RichEdit control based on a specified set of characters.