StatusBar Methods

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StatusBar Methods

Constructors Description
StatusBar Creates a StatusBar control.

Methods Description
addOnDrawItem Assigns a delegate to the drawItem event.

addOnPanelClick Assigns a delegate to the panelClick event.

addPanel Adds a panel to the end of the status bar.

getPanels Retrieves all the panels that have been added to the status bar.

getShowPanels Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the status bar displays any panels that have been added to it using the addPanel method or whether the status bar displays a single line of text.

getSizingGrip Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the status bar has a sizing grip on its right side, which the user can drag to resize the status bar.

getStatusBarPanel Retrieves the specified panel on the status bar.

insertPanel Inserts a panel into the status bar at the specified location.

onDrawItem Triggers the drawItem event.

onMouseDown Triggers the mouseDown event.

onPanelClick Triggers the panelClick event.

removeAllPanels Removes all panels from the status bar.

removeOnDrawItem Removes the delegate that is assigned to the drawItem event.

removeOnPanelClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the panelClick event.

removePanel Removes the specified panel from the status bar.

setPanel Replaces the panel at the specified position with a new panel.

setPanels Removes all existing panels from the status bar and adds a set of new panels.

setShowPanels Sets a boolean value indicating whether the status bar displays any panels that have been added to it using the addPanel method or whether the status bar displays a single line of text.

setSizingGrip Sets a boolean value indicating whether the status bar has a sizing grip on its right side, which the user can drag to resize the status bar.

setText Sets the text that will appear on the status bar when the showPanels property of the status bar is set to false.