ToolBar Methods

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ToolBar Methods

Constructors Description
ToolBar Creates a Toolbar control.

Methods Description
addButton Adds a button to the toolbar.

addOnButtonClick Assigns a delegate to the buttonClick event.

addOnButtonDropDown Assigns a delegate to the buttonDropDown event.

getAppearance Retrieves the state of the toolbar's appearance.

getAutoSize Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this ToolBar control is configured to autosize itself based on the size of the text and images the buttons contain.

getBorderStyle Retrieves an integer constant that indicates the ToolBar control's border style value.

getButton Retrieves the button at the specified index.

getButtonCount Retrieves the number of buttons in this ToolBar control.

getButtons Retrieves an array that contains the buttons in this ToolBar control.

getButtonSize Retrieves the size of the buttons in this ToolBar control.

getDivider Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this ToolBar control displays a visual divider.

getDropDownArrows Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a downward-pointing arrow appears next to buttons that have the ToolBarButtonStyle.DROPDOWN style set.

getImageList Retrieves the ToolBar control's image list.

getImageSize Retrieves the size of the images in the toolbar's image list.

getShowToolTips Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a ToolTip is displayed when the mouse cursor is positioned over the buttons in this control.

getTextAlign Retrieves an integer constant that specifies how text is positioned in relation to the images on a toolbar button.

getWrappable Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the buttons on the toolbar wrap when there is insufficient space to display the buttons on a single line.

insertButton Inserts a button into the ToolBar control at the specified index.

onButtonClick Triggers the buttonClick event.

onButtonDropDown Triggers the buttonDropDown event.

removeAll Removes all of the buttons from the ToolBar control.

removeButton Removes the button at the specified index.

removeOnButtonClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the buttonClick event.

removeOnButtonDropDown Removes the delegate assigned to the buttonDropDown event.

setAppearance Sets the appearance of the toolbar.

setAutoSize Specifies whether the ToolBar control resizes itself automatically to accommodate the images and text that are displayed on toolbar buttons.

setBorderStyle Sets the border style for the ToolBar control.

setButton Replaces the button at the specified index.

setButtons Sets all the buttons on the ToolBar control.

setButtonSize Sets the size of the buttons on the ToolBar control.

setDivider Specifies whether the Toolbar control displays a visual divider to distinguish it from adjacent controls.

setDock Specifies how the ToolBar control is docked to its parent window.

setDropDownArrows Specifies whether arrows are displayed next to toolbar buttons that have the ToolBarButtonStyle.DROPDOWN style set.

setImageList Associates an image list with the ToolBar control.

setShowToolTips Specifies whether ToolTips are displayed when the mouse cursor is positioned over the buttons in this control.

setTextAlign Specifies how text is positioned in relation to the images that are displayed on the buttons in this control.

setWrappable Specifies whether the buttons on this control wrap to the next line when the toolbar is too narrow to display all the buttons on a single line.