TreeNode Methods

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TreeNode Methods

Constructors Description
TreeNode Creates a TreeNode control.

Methods Description
addNode Adds a child node to the node.

beginEdit Begins in-place editing of the node's label text, replacing the label with a single-line edit control containing the text.

clone Clones the entire subtree rooted at this node.

collapse Collapses the node.

endEdit Ends in-place editing of the node's label text.

ensureVisible Ensures that the node is visible, expanding the parent node or scrolling the tree view control, if necessary.

expand Expands the node.

getBounds Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the node relative to the upper-left corner of the tree view control's client area.

getChecked Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the check box for the node is checked.

getExtension Retrieves the file name extension for the file to store the node's persistent data in.

getFirstNode Retrieves the first child node that this node contains.

getFullPath Retrieves the full path to this node.

getImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to this node.

getLastNode Retrieves the last child node that this node contains.

getNextNode Retrieves the node immediately after this node in the parent node's child list.

getNextVisibleNode Retrieves the first visible node after this node in the tree view control.

getNode Retrieves the child node of this node at the specified zero-based index.

getNodeCount Retrieves a value indicating how many child nodes this node has.

getNodes Retrieves an array containing all the child nodes in this node.

getParent Retrieves the parent node for this node.

getPrevNode Retrieves the node immediately before this node in the parent node's child list.

getPrevVisibleNode Retrieves the last visible node before this node in the tree view control.

getSelectedImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to this node when it is selected.

getText Retrieves the label text for this node.

getTreeView Retrieves the tree view control that contains this node.

insertNode Inserts the specified node as a child of this node at the specified position.

isEditing Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user is currently editing this node in the tree view control.

isExpanded Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this node is currently expanded in the tree view control.

isSelected Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this node is currently selected in the tree view control.

isVisible Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this node is currently visible in the tree view control.

remove Removes this node and all its children from the tree view control.

removeAll Removes all children of this node.

removeNode Removes the specified child node from this node.

save Saves this TreeNode object to the given data stream.

setChecked Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the check box for the node is checked.

setImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears next to this node.

setNode Replaces the child node at the specified position.

setNodes Adds a set of child nodes to this node.

setSelectedImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears next to this node when it is selected.

setText Sets the label text for this node.

toggle Expands the node if it is collapsed; collapses the node if it is expanded.

toString Retrieves a String that contains the node label text.