Debug Methods

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Debug Methods

Methods Description
addOnDisplayAssert Adds an event handler to display an assertion dialog box.

addOnDisplayMessage Adds an event handler to display debug information to the user.

assert Checks for a condition and displays a message if the condition is false.

defineSwitch Defines a new debug switch.

displaySwitches Displays a list of switches that the application currently has installed.

fail Sets an assertion that always fails.

getEnumText Retrieves the text name for a value defined in an enumerator class.

getExceptionText Retrieves both the exception name and description and the stack trace for the specified exception.

getObjectText Retrieves the contents of the specified object.

getStackTraceText Retrieves the current stack trace for this thread.

getSwitch Retrieves the value for the specified switch.

getSwitchListText Retrieves a table of available switches that can be set.

print Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism.

printEnum Prints the text name for the value defined in an enumerator class.

printEnumIf Prints the text name for a value defined in an enumerator class.

printException Prints both the exception name and description and the stack trace to the exception to debug output.

printExceptionIf Prints both the exception name and description and the stack trace to the exception to debug output.

printIf Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism.

println Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism.

printlnIf Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism.

printObject Prints the contents of the specified object to debug output.

printObjectIf Prints the contents of the specified object to debug output.

printStackTrace Prints a trace of the current callstack to debug output.

printStackTraceIf Prints a trace of the current callstack to debug output.

printSwitchList Prints a table of available switches that can be set.

removeOnDisplayAssert Removes an assertion event handler.

removeOnDisplayMessage Removes a print event handler.