Cursor Members

Cursor Members

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Name Description
CROSSHAIR_CURSOR The crosshair cursor type.
DEFAULT_CURSOR The default cursor type (gets set if no cursor is defined).
E_RESIZE_CURSOR The east-resize cursor type.
HAND_CURSOR The hand cursor type.
MOVE_CURSOR The move cursor type.
N_RESIZE_CURSOR The north-resize cursor type.
NE_RESIZE_CURSOR The north-east-resize cursor type.
NW_RESIZE_CURSOR The north-west-resize cursor type.
S_RESIZE_CURSOR The south-resize cursor type.
SE_RESIZE_CURSOR The south-east-resize cursor type.
SW_RESIZE_CURSOR The south-west-resize cursor type.
TEXT_CURSOR The text cursor type.
W_RESIZE_CURSOR The west-resize cursor type.
WAIT_CURSOR The wait cursor type.

Name Description
Cursor(int) Creates a new cursor object with the specified type.

Name Description
getDefaultCursor() Return the system default cursor.
getPredefinedCursor(int) Returns a cursor object with the specified predefined type.
getType() Returns the type for this cursor.