ImageConsumer Members

ImageConsumer Members

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Name Description
COMPLETESCANLINES The pixels will be delivered in (multiples of) complete scanlines at a time.
IMAGEABORTED The image creation process was deliberately aborted.
IMAGEERROR An error was encountered while producing the image.
RANDOMPIXELORDER The pixels will be delivered in a random order.
SINGLEFRAME The image contain a single static image.
SINGLEFRAMEDONE One frame of the image is complete but there are more frames to be delivered.
SINGLEPASS The pixels will be delivered in a single pass.
STATICIMAGEDONE The image is complete and there are no more pixels or frames to be delivered.
TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT The pixels will be delivered in top-down, left-to-right order.

Name Description
imageComplete(int) The imageComplete method is called when the ImageProducer is finished delivering all of the pixels that the source image contains, or when a single frame of a multi-frame animation has been completed, or when an error in loading or producing the image has occured.
setColorModel(ColorModel) The ColorModel object used for the majority of the pixels reported using the setPixels method calls.
setDimensions(int, int) The dimensions of the source image are reported using the setDimensions method call.
setHints(int) The ImageProducer can deliver the pixels in any order, but the ImageConsumer may be able to scale or convert the pixels to the destination ColorModel more efficiently or with higher quality if it knows some information about how the pixels will be delivered up front.
setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) The pixels of the image are delivered using one or more calls to the setPixels method.
setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) The pixels of the image are delivered using one or more calls to the setPixels method.
setProperties(Hashtable) Sets the extensible list of properties associated with this image.