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Syntax 1
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, ColorModel cm, byte pix[], int off, int scan )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of bytes to produce data for an Image object.

See Also

Syntax 2
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, ColorModel cm, byte pix[], int off, int scan, Hashtable props )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of bytes to produce data for an Image object.

See Also

Syntax 3
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, ColorModel cm, int pix[], int off, int scan )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of integers to produce data for an Image object.

See Also

Syntax 4
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, ColorModel cm, int pix[], int off, int scan, Hashtable props )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of integers to produce data for an Image object.

See Also

Syntax 5
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, int pix[], int off, int scan )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of integers in the default RGB ColorModel to produce data for an Image object.

See Also
createImage, getRGBdefault

Syntax 6
public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, int pix[], int off, int scan, Hashtable props )
Constructs an ImageProducer object which uses an array of integers in the default RGB ColorModel to produce data for an Image object.

See Also
createImage, getRGBdefault