ObjectOutputStream Members

ObjectOutputStream Members

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Name Description
ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream) Creates an ObjectOutputStream that writes to the specified OutputStream.

Name Description
annotateClass(Class) Subclasses may implement this method to allow class data to be stored in the stream.
close() Closes the stream.
defaultWriteObject() Write the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class to this stream.
drain() Drain any buffered data in ObjectOutputStream.
enableReplaceObject(boolean) Enable the stream to do replacement of objects in the stream.
flush() Flushes the stream.
replaceObject(Object) This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectOutputStream to substitute one object for another during serialization.
reset() Reset will disregard the state of any objects already written to the stream.
write(byte[]) Writes an array of bytes.
write(byte[], int, int) Writes a sub array of bytes.
write(int) Writes a byte.
writeBoolean(boolean) Writes a boolean.
writeByte(int) Writes an 8 bit byte.
writeBytes(String) Writes a String as a sequence of bytes.
writeChar(int) Writes a 16 bit char.
writeChars(String) Writes a String as a sequence of chars.
writeDouble(double) Writes a 64 bit double.
writeFloat(float) Writes a 32 bit float.
writeInt(int) Writes a 32 bit int.
writeLong(long) Writes a 64 bit long.
writeObject(Object) Write the specified object to the ObjectOutputStream.
writeShort(int) Writes a 16 bit short.
writeStreamHeader() The writeStreamHeader method is provided so subclasses can append or prepend their own header to the stream.
writeUTF(String) Writes a String in UTF format.